I mailed a lap size quilt to my BIL today. It is the first quilt to be used for the original purpose quilts were made for that I have done. I started out with a fall palette but changed it a bit because some of the fabrics I chose from my stash were not large enough. It was a good excuse to go shopping. I used up nearly all the fabric I bought as I pieced the back. I have decided I like making the back a bit interesting. It is now muted greens with a brown border. I free motion quilted it with a vine and leaf design. My machine quilting is getting better but still lots of room for improvement.
The quilt is called Hugs for Peter.
Have also finished the small wall hanging I started in the Hilary rice workshop too. Haven't photographed it yet.
I particulary liked want you did in the centre. Does your BIL knows that he is going to receive such a pretty quilt?