08 September 2015


Hi Everyone,
Currently I am enjoying TAST, Take A Stitch Tuesday.  (http://pintangle.com/)  It is a group for people who are interested in embellishing their quilts, particularly crazy quilts, with stitches.  Sharon B lets us know each week what the stitch of the week is and directs us to her tutorial on the stitch.  And then as members stitch they share in the Face Book group or post a link to where ever else they are sharing their work.  This is where we all learn how far a stitch can be pushed.  There are over 100 stitches and we are currently up to stitch 9, couching.  Who knew their could be so many variations of one stitch.
Here are some pictures of my couching and some of the previous stitches.  I am planning on using this fat quarter to make a pouch for my current hand stitching project.

The picture on the right shows couching of twisted knitting yarns couched with pink thread and the thicker clump of yarns couched in place with green herringbone stitch.
The picture of the tree on the left has yarns couched in place with detached chain stitch in green.  The tree is herringbone and detached chain.  

The piece on the right is machine couching and some decorative machine stitching.  I will add hand stitching and maybe some beads and use it for a book cover.

28 August 2015

Bernie's Bounty.

 I would like to share one of my embellished quilts.  It is called Bernie's Bounty as a tribute to the mother of one of my friends at Sherwood Park Quilt Guild.  My friend shared her mothers jewellery with me and many of the beads on this quilt are from this generous gift.
The background is a fat quarter.  I started this piece on the drive from Edmonton, Alberta to Pentiction, British Columbia for Quilt Canada in 2013.  My friends did all the driving so I was just a passenger and thought I needed something to do on the way.

It was one of my entries to the Focus on Fibre Art show Prarie in 2014.   Here is the link to the gallery where you can see all the pieces in that show.

13 August 2015

All of us on the Quilt Show committee are working hard to have everything ready for our Show.

I hop everyone else is as excited as we are.